Tous nos profils maîtrisent parfaitement au minimum trois langues : le français et l’anglais comme prérequis indispensables auxquels s’ajoutent l’italien, l’allemand, l’espagnol et le portugais.
Selon vos besoins d’autres langues sont disponibles comme le russe, l’arabe, le chinois et le japonais,
L’agence Monna Lisa offre l’avantage de connaître chaque membre de son équipe et pourra ainsi vous assister dans le choix du profil le plus adapté à vos besoins.
- All
- German
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Spanish

Age: 21
Master Student in
Italian Literature and Civilization
French: native
English: native
Italian: bilingual
Age: 21
Master Student in Italian Literature and Civilization
French: native
English: native
Italian: bilingual
Fr/En – Italian

Age: 23
Bachelor Student in
French and Italian Law
French: bilingual
English: fluent
Italian: native
Age: 23
Bachelor Student in French and Italian Law
French: bilingual
English: fluent
Italian: native
Fr/En – Italian

Age: 24
Master Student in Public Policy
of Digital and New Technologies
French: fluent
English: bilingual
Italian: native
Age: 24
Master Student in Public Policy of Digital and New Technologies
French: fluent
English: bilingual
Italian: native
Fr/En – Italian

Age: 26
Master’s Degree in Philology
French: fluent
English: fluent
Italian: native
Age: 26
Master’s Degree in Philology
French: fluent
English: fluent
Italian: native
Fr/En – Italian

Age: 22
Master Student in International Business and Trade Negotiation
French: native
English: bilingual
Spanish: fluent
Age: 22
Master Student in International Business and Trade Negotiation
French: native
English: bilingual
Spanish: fluent
Fr/En – Spanish

Age: 19
Bachelor Student in Applied Foreign Languages
French: native
English: bilingual
Spanish: fluent
Portuguese: bilingual
Age: 19
Bachelor Student in Applied Foreign Languages
French: native
English: bilingual
Spanish: fluent
Portuguese: bilingual
Fr/En – Spanish - Portuguese

Age: 24
Master’s Degree in
French and Italian law
French: bilingual
English: fluent
Italian: native
Age: 24
Master’s Degree in French and Italian law
French: bilingual
English: fluent
Italian: native
Fr/En – Italian

Age: 23
Master Student
in French and Spanish Law
French: bilingual
English: bilingual
Spanish: native
Age: 23
Master Student in French and Spanish Law
French: bilingual
English: bilingual
Spanish: native
Fr/En – Spanish

Age: 23
Master Student
in International Business
French: native
English: bilingual
Italian: fluent
German: intermediate
Age: 23
Master Student in International Business
French: native
English: bilingual
Italian: fluent
German: intermediate
Fr/En – Italian - German

Age: 23
Master Student in
French Literature
French: fluent
English: fluent
Italian: native
Age: 23
Master Student in French Literature
French: fluent
English: fluent
Italian: native
Fr/En – Italian
• Native : langue maternelle • Bilingual : bilingue – maîtrise parfaite • Fluent : courant – bonne maîtrise • Intermediate : intermédiaire • Basic : élémentaire